Holiday in Hungary

Two special offers:

1. - Centre for Evangelism in Southern Hungary
The family-friendly and very low-priced vacation house of Baráti Missziós Szolgálat (BMSZ) is situated in Jánoshalma in the very south of the country. The house is starting point for beautiful excursions into the Hungarian lowlands. In addition you can get an insight of the church and missions work in Hungary. Become acquainted with the outstanding Hungarian cuisine. Pastor Bayer is speaking German very well.

Further details at:
Pastor George Bayer

2. - Vacation house at Lake Balaton
The southern shore of Lake Balaton is a very popular holiday area. The vacation house in Balatonszemes is completely furnished and only 2 km away from the shore. There is a Baptist church nearby. In the Summer season the sermons are translated into German.

Further details at:
Family Ulrich Hofius

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